The Meaningless Valentine’s Day Void


Is Valentine’s Day really about expressing love or just another Hallmark “Holiday”?

Love shouldn’t be based on the amount of money you spend on others. Being loved or loving others requires too much money spent on useless items that are forgotten about the next day. When bringing up utterly useless holidays, Valentine’s Day springs to mind. With swarms of people mindlessly spending money on others who they only really superficially care about. 


What kind of idiot would ever buy a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers for their significant other? Is it because they’re so in need of a reason to prove their nonexistent love?  In 2023, consumers are predicted to spend $25.9 billion, an average of $175.41 per significant other. All this money flying around, you can better donate it to charity and to actually help people. Who cares that you love someone? It’s very meaningless to pick up an expensive box of chocolates from your nearest convenience store simply because you love someone. 


This holiday is extremely overrated and unnecessarily publicized as well. You can’t even Google anything without being reminded of either being single or having your credit card demoralized. In fact, holiday card company Hallmark was actually the face of this holiday and solely created it to foster capitalistic tendencies instead of helping the needy.  What’s the point in giving your 60 million dollars earning significant other more trinkets to add to their already meaningless collection of random, miscellaneous objects piled up? 


Why go to these unnecessary extents, again, to simply give them more gifts when, just two months ago, you did the same? This holiday is just another reason for multi-billion dollar companies to make more off of mindless people in the name of “love”. 


While pink and hearts may be fun to see everywhere in stores for a while, at some point it becomes so unbearable that you want to rip off your heart and sob on the grocery store floor of Target because you’re surrounded by pink, artificial hearts. If you really want to be happy in life, stay away from this meaningless holiday and the concept of love, because in most cases, and for your credit card’s sake, it doesn’t end too well.