Lights, camera, audio, action!

Luke Wujek making strides in the Neuqua tech crew


Wujek working the audio board during a dress rehearsal for the upcoming musical “The Sound of Music”. Wujek estimates that over the course of his high school career he has worked tech on close to fifteen shows. Photo Courtesy of Luke Wujek.

Grace Huff, Profiles Editor

With all of Neuqua’s elaborate performances and productions, it is only right that they have the necessary staff to work the lighting, camera and audio to give the audience a worthwhile show for them to watch. Although all focus is on the performers onstage, the shows would not be able to even come close to the level they would like without a tech crew supporting them. One student in particular, junior Luke Wujek, has become heavily involved in the world of tech during his Neuqua career.

Wujek was no newbie to working with tech crew when he came to Neuqua. Originally getting his start in the industry during sixth grade at Gregory Middle school as the person to run the spotlight, Wujek continued his next two middle school years where  he explains “[he] did all the audio.” With all the experience from his middle school years, Wujek began working for Neuqua’s tech crew during his freshman year where he continued working the audio board for performances such as the musicals. During his second semester he was recommended to apply to be a part of the auditorium staff.

After getting the necessary teacher recommendation and passing the application process, Wujek made it on to the staff, making him a paid ‘district employee.’ For any Orchesis show, multicultural show, pep rally or Red Carpet Rally, Wujek was there with the rest of the auditorium staff working the audio, cameras and lighting to put on a worthy show for the sea of students watching.

Although he is only a junior, Wujek said he plans on continuing to work on tech in college, but he also hopes to major in architectural engineering. Despite the fact that he will not be pursuing tech as a career, Wujek explains has learned many valuable life lessons, such as  “ time management…and just working hard in general. [Tech is] a lot of work and it’s a lot of fun but you work hard you get to put on a lot of fun productions.”