Meet your new Echo Editor in Chief!


Logan Brown, Staff Writer

As the School year comes to an end and our seniors leave us behind for college, The time has come to appoint a new Editor in Chief for the NVHS Echo. Here we will give you an insight into who Ben LeGrand is, and what his plans are as our Editor in Chief.

Who’s This “Ben LeGrand” Guy Anyways?

Ben is currently a Junior here at Neuqua and a second-year member of the Echo staff. Ben is part of the school’s cross country and track teams and enjoys basketball, running, writing, films and video games.


Fun Facts

  1. Ben was born in Chicago but moved to New Jersey shortly after
  2. His Favorite food from the school cafeteria is the egg, sausage, and cheese breakfast sandwich
  3. Ben has a beautiful singing voice
  4. Ben enjoys a good bagel (from New Jersey only)
  5. Ben is an avid bowler, with a high score of 138


Ben’s Future Plans

After college, Ben is looking to major in journalism in college and told the Echo that he would like to do“anything with storytelling and writing” and that “in an ideal world I would be a writer or involved in a talk show.” When asked why he enjoys news journalism, Ben said “I like writing, I like telling a story and I like how it’s different from a typical job; it’s more creative, and it gives me a unique way to look at the world “


What are His plans for the Echo?

Ben is looking to continue the Echo’s tradition of publishing relevant, quality stories and said that he “want(s) to write the stories only we can write, and give a unique perspective that only we, as students can give,” and that “anyone can write about world affairs, but we are capable of writing about things in a way that’s relevant to students.”

Ben is clearly very passionate about writing and has put great effort into making sure the Echo remains a high-quality publication, for these reasons, Ben will make a great Editor in Chief, come august of this year. Make sure you come back next year to read more student-written articles from the Echo.