Sachin Fong

Echo Photographer Sachin Fong snaps a shot of himself and his sister in front of a mirror. Like the photograph, memories often fade, but the feelings they carry remain with us forever.

Capture a memory of the 2020-2021 school year before it disappears

January 5, 2021

The 2020-2021 school year can arguably be described as one of the most chaotic and challenging years for many people. While some of us may want to forget that it ever occurred, we have all been impacted by COVID-19, remote learning and quarantine. These days are going to remain with us forever. Whether it’s in a story or a memory that comes back to haunt us, we will remember this year and may even want something to remember it by. 

Neuqua Valley’s yearbook staff is attempting to do this, to give us a memory of who we were, when we were and how we were. They are collecting photographs of how our lives changed this year and of the staff and students who were there to witness it. In order to do this safely, the staff has requested that students submit photographs of themselves in accordance with  guidelines they have provided. 

If you would like to purchase a copy of the 2020-2021 yearbook, visit and place an order before April 25, 2021. Prices will increase starting Feb. 1, 2021, so it is better to order earlier than later. 

If you do not participate in the opportunities offered for including a new yearbook photo, your previous 2019-2010 yearbook photo will be carried over for the 2020-2021 school year. Remember to submit your photograph before the deadline for your grade level to avoid this occurring. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, contact yearbook advisor Michelle La Scola ([email protected]). 

Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior yearbook photos

Photographs for freshmen, sophomores and juniors are due by Jan. 18, 2021.

Underclassmen have been asked to use High5 to take a photo of themselves for the yearbook. Visit Neuqua’s High5 Site or follow the link sent to your school email address to capture your photograph. References for photos that would be acceptable and those that are deemed inappropriate are provided on the sight. The staff asks that your submission include the following: a head and shoulder image only, a neutral background and school appropriate clothing. Please avoid taking photos with peers, wearing accessories you would not typically wear in a yearbook photo (ex: sunglasses and hats) and featuring anything that distracts from your face. 

  1. Visit Neuqua’s High5 Site to capture your photograph. You will be prompted to enter your school ID number for authentication. 
  2. The following screen provides references for taking your photo. Once you are prepared to take your photograph, you can click ‘Start.’ 
  3. The website will request access to your camera, and after accepting the permissions, you can take and submit your photograph. 

If you are not a fan of your initial photograph, you have the opportunity to retake it prior to submitting the final photograph. The yearbook staff and advisor reserve the right to reject your submission if you do not follow the guidelines provided. They will provide a brief comment, and you will be asked to submit another photograph. 

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Senior portraits

Senior portraits are due by Feb. 25, 2021, and Root Studios must have your photo developed prior to the deadline. Availability depends on when you schedule your appointment.  

The yearbook staff has partnered with HR Imaging and Root Studios to capture senior portraits this year. In order to sign up for an appointment with the studio, visit HR Imaging’s official website and get in contact with the photographers. For seniors with medical or personal reasons who would not like to schedule a session with HR Imaging, it is requested that they take a photograph using High5 like the underclassmen. These photos will still be included in the senior portraits section, so dress wisely and appropriately. 

  1. Visit HR Imaging’s official website, and submit Neuqua Valley High School as your school. 
  2. Select the Root Studios icon captioned “Senior Portraits.” You will be prompted to enter a subject number and your last name. You can search up your subject number by clicking “Don’t know it? Click here” and entering the requested information. 
  3. Once you have attained your subject number, return to the login screen and enter in your subject number and last name. 
  4. You can now use your account to schedule a session with a photographer for your senior portrait. 
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