Course selection: a look into the variety of electives available

The elective fair will take place Jan. 19 and 20!

Neuqua Valley

The elective fair will take place Jan. 19 and 20!

Camila Reyes, Staff Writer

As winter break has come to an end, and students enter the new year, they encounter the yearly task every freshman, sophomore and junior either dread or look forward to; class selection for the 2023-2024 school year. Throughout the final week of the first semester, teachers have gone over the courses available to students based on their coming school year. Apart from the required classes for graduation, electives serve as an opportunity for students to take classes that match their interests and explore possible future careers. Neuqua offers a variety of electives ranging from Family and Consumer Science to Business courses.

But with so many options available, it can be difficult for some to choose a class based on its title and one paragraph description. To help students, Neuqua Valley has its annual elective fair. During Jan. 19 and 20, students have the opportunity to go and ask questions and get a bigger perspective of elective they may be interested in. The following departments will be available for students to choose as their electives. But due to the fact that not all will be present during the fair, teachers also created videos that go deeper into the class.

For sophomores and juniors, the elective fair will be held throughout the lunch periods on Thursday, Jan. 19 at main for courses they can take in their upcoming junior and senior year. The suggested times to go visit the stands is during a students lunch hour, option, or current elective classes (with permission from your teacher) and visit both B and D lofts for information on the elective classes you wish to know more about. 

For freshmen, the elective fair will take place at the BFC on Friday, Jan. 20. Students have the option to go to the forum room during their lunch periods and visit the department table. Here, students can be introduced to electives for their upcoming sophomore and also for future years as juniors and seniors at Neuqua Valley.

The elective fair is a great opportunity for students to make the decision of future classes a bit easier, less stressful and even exciting for some of the new chances to explore. No matter what grade level, the elective fair is great way for students to plan and experience their highschool years how they choose.