Sophomores Weigh in: Sink or Swim

Camila Reyes

The Neuqua Valley swimming pool is used daily for various sports and activities, including Sophomore Swim.

Leah Dennison, Staff Writer

As a more normal school year kicks off, sophomores take to the pool for the dreadful, or delightful, class known as Sophomore

Swim. Surprisingly enough, the class of 2025 is not the first to return to the pools since COVID-19, as the class of 2024 set foot in the pools last year. As each student goes through the quarter-long course, there seems to be division over whether or not swimming during the school day is a do or a don’t.


Some may think of Sophomore Swim as a positive, indulging experience to improve a skill that is necessary when it comes to a life-or-death situation. Others enjoy the class simply because of the fact that they are swimming during the school day. Shannon Gilhool, a sophomore currently taking the class states, “It’s really fun to swim next to your friends every day, and I’ve already learned and improved a lot because of Sophomore Swim.”


The numerous pros to this course requirement are heavily impactful. Neuqua students are able to learn the basic swim strokes, along with gaining stamina through the cardio days that are held every Wednesday. People who may not be physically active are also given a chance to improve their arm strength and cardiovascular endurance.


But does anyone really want to go to their next class with damp hair and the lingering scent of chlorine? Many students who have gone through the course argue that swimming during the school day is a hassle to go through, especially for students who have the class periods two through seven. “I have it towards the end of the day, so it’s not super fun to go home soaking wet. It’s also kind of long and I feel like if you don’t know as many skills it can be kind of difficult,” says Grace Wallin, another sophomore enrolled in the course.


So, is Sophomore Swim a go or a no? This question is entirely opinionated based on the students’ mindsets towards the class. Although there appears to be a general negative connotation with Sophomore Swim, the skills taught are extremely important for everyone to know. Open waters are extremely dangerous, so having a course at Neuqua Valley that is purposed to educate others on how to swim is imperative. On the other hand, who really wants to go through the struggle of changing into (and out of) a bathing suit along with taking a two minute, freezing cold shower five days a week?