Elective Change of Mind is from May 20th to 24th. During this week, you will receive course verification information. In addition, you may put in a request to change an elective. Instructions will be included at that time. Elective changes are not guaranteed and will be made on a space available basis. Core subject level changes will not be accepted at this time. Change of mind request days for Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and usually happens around the 3rd week of May. Although some elective spots might be filled, if you arrange to meet with your counselor, they will make sure that you are happy with your schedule and there are no inconveniences. Make sure to look over your four year plan to fill all requirements leading up to graduation when you are a senior. Beginning your Freshman year, you started to develop a long-term plan of coursework that included both required courses and those courses that interest you. For more information, the Course Guidebook provides an overview of all of the courses available at Neuqua Valley and the requirements for each.