The importance of spring sports for students

Neuqua Valley

Boys volleyball during one of their games back in march against Oswego East

Camila Reyes, Staff Writer

With the end of the school year steadily approaching, many students find themselves drowning in stress. Student athletes look for an escape from upcoming AP and other standardized tests through after-school activities, where they can channel their stress into a fun and active environment.


Some of the various spring sports Neuqua Valley offers include:

         – Ultimate Frisbee team

         – Girls Badminton (Varsity, Freshman team)

         – Badminton (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman team)

         – Baseball (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Fresh/Soph, Freshman)

         – Boy Lacrosse (Varsity, Junior Varsity)

         – Girls Lacrosse (Varsity, Junior Varsity)

         – Girls Soccer (Varsity, JV 1, JV 2, Fresh/Soph)

         – Softball (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman)

         – Boys Tennis (Varsity, JV 1, JV 2)

         – Boys Track (Varsity, Fresh/Soph)

         – Girls Track (Varsity, Junior Varsity)

         – Boys Volleyball (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman B, Freshman A)

         – Girls and Boys Waterpolo (Varsity, Junior Varsity)

Whether it be running, swimming, or pitching, Wildcats continue to grow not only as athletes but as people. The Neuqua athletic’s department is well known for teaching and inspiring students to be respectful, hard-working, and perseverent. These life skills continue to help Wildcat student-athletes succeed on and off the field. With spring comes the excitement of warm weather and the proximately to summer break, but it also comes with the stress of ending one more school year. Some seniors leave behind their high school years while others prep for their following school year.

But while AP exams and SAT scores begin to cram their way into young students’ life, sports may be a great way to help students create a healthy balance in their lives. Time away from studying can help to minimize stress and pressure as well as improve their overall performance. Even if sports aren’t entirely what you enjoy doing, watching and supporting friends and siblings in sports is another getaway from all the tedious daily schoolwork. It is essential to prepare and study for these important exams, but it is also necessary to separate time for yourself and your mental health.

If you find yourself interested in sports but don’t wish to join a team, consider intramural sports offered at Neuqua. You can find more info at 

Also, make sure to check out for more details on upcoming games for the various spring sports teams listed above.