Photographer and poet
David Mullons
David began his career as a photographer by advertising his skills on Instagram and plans on pursuing it as he goes into advertising and graphic design in hopes to become a creative director. Photo courtesy of David Mullons
January 7, 2019
David Mullons is junior at a Neuqua known for his photography and his political poetry.He has often performed at Writer’s Week and for Neuqua’s spoken-word team, Louder Than A Bomb.
His love for photography started much earlier than his love for poetry. After his long history in the arts, including “hip hop dance, painting and drawing”, David’s mother introduced him to his first camera. He learned the basics from her and continued to expand his knowledge via YouTube tutorials. Mullons typically shoots unique people in unique places to transform his internal creativity into a physical element. He considers his style “very diverse because [he] can capture timeless photos or something that exhibits more creativity.”
Mullons often shoots with students and chooses his location and models based off of one another in order to “express an idea or a specific style for each person based on their personality.” Despite exploring and shooting in several locations, his favorite shoot wass with former student Chloe Thornton. “It was taken in my basement against a projector that was displaying a WIllow Smith music video. The video, “Female energy,” displayed a lot of different color tones and geometric shapes.”
His photography often focuses around strong and empowering messages that represent his views the same way that his poetry does. David has performed his poetry several times throughout his time as Neuqua and will continue to do so at this year’s Writer’s Week. His poetry is typically inspired by global news events and his political opinions. “When I begin to construct a poem, I think about all that is going on in our world. I tend to create pieces that [are] social injustice based — racism, homophobia, events that have headlined news etc,” Mullons says.
Mullons uses his art as a way to express his individuality and political views through meaningful poetry and as a way to help the featured models express themselves through shoots specifically catered to the model’s style.