Clown Corner: Finality

Peter Wujek, Business Manager

Well Clown Corner readers, we’ve reached the end. Obviously, the last Clown Corner was an April Fools joke, as I didn’t actually receive a cease and desist. But, for my actual last article, I need to clown on finality. 

This entire year has been filled with my lasts. I had my last high school musical, my last choir concert, my last band concert, and I’m approaching my last tests and my last day of high school. I need to say, I hate the lasts. The feeling of never being able to do this again is just a little bit soul-crushing. As a side-note, this is not high school has-been behavior. I’m so excited to go to college and everything outside of high school. That being said, it sucks leaving so much behind.

I think my favorite coping mechanism is being thankful for the little things as I move through my lasts. So, I’d like to take this last column to express so many thanks.

❤️ My Echo class, I appreciate the constant support of this clown column and giving me the opportunity to speak my mind.

❤️ Verdin and La Scola, I greatly appreciate the recommendations and support as I grew throughout high school.

❤️ West, I wouldn’t be the actor I am today without you. Thank you.

❤️ Too Much Light cast, you all are amazing. I dearly love you, and I can’t imagine a better play to be a part of.

❤️ Cabaret cast, I have never been part of a better musical with better people. We fought through so much to perform that show. My heart belongs to all of you.

❤️ My NSLC friends, I found my future because of you. That week was truly life-changing.

❤️ Scats Gold, I can’t believe it has been four years already. Scats has given me the opportunity to sing every week and for that, I am so happy. 

Now, I’m just gonna write down names of people who have positively affected my life. There are too many of you all to write shout-outs, but just know that I love you all and I am so, so grateful.

Aarti Gupta, Maya Stone, Mystery Incorporated, Ella Swartz, Sydney Brinkman, Maura White, Kolin Pettingill, Toxicity at Its Finest, Sara Alvidrez, Noelle Maher, Sophie Meng, Sanjana Jose, Liza Nadtochiy, THE James A. Janisse Fan Club, and Meghan Gaither.

On a personal note, leaving is the worst feeling ever. It’s hard to look back at everything that I’ve done and realize that it’s never going to happen again. My goal was to leave a legacy at Neuqua, and I can proudly say that I have. I won the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, and my name will always be on a plaque in the music hallway. I’m proud to be remembered for my accomplishments. I was also the first all-state actor in 21 years, which is pretty dang impressive! 

Clown Corner, it’s been real. Thank you for letting me be an idiot online and share my opinions.


Peter Wujek

Clown Lord Supreme