Upcoming fall activities at Neuqua
More stories from Viraj Desai
Students involved in Gold Rush kick off Neuqua’s fall activities and sports season with their support.
With students finally being accustomed to attending school, more opportunities are becoming available for them. Whether you’re interested in sports, music, theater, academic clubs or really anything, there will always be opportunities for you at Neuqua Valley to pursue your passion! Information for all activities can be found on the Student Activities Weebly.
The fall sports teams have really kicked off well this season! Neuqua football’s home game against Oswego High School went really well, with a win of 37-26. The Wildcats played again at Wheaton Warrenville South last Friday, with the support of Neuqua Valley Gold Rush. Swim, tennis, soccer, cross country, dance, cheer, volleyball and golf are other sports happening this fall, most of which students can view with friends. Intramurals (like rock climbing), ski club, yoga club and other activities also periodically occur at Neuqua for those intereste

d in getting involved. You can view all upcoming sports events at the Neuqua Athletics website.
If you are interested in theatre, there are many opportunities for you to pursue. Auditions for the Improv Show were on Aug. 25 and 26, and the show will be performed on Sept. 16 and 17 from 6-8p.m. in the Black Box Theatre. If you like watching plays and spontaneous acts, you should definitely come to at least one of the performances. “Tinker Bell,” the children’s show, had its auditions on Sept. 1 and 2 for their performances on Oct. 8 at 7p.m. and October 9 at 1p.m. and 6p.m. Students can also join the tech crew to help out behind the scenes. More information for joining and viewing these productions can also be found on the theater website: nvhstheatre.com. Further opportunities for students interested in theatre can be pursued by joining Drama Club.

All three music groups (band choir and orchestra) have exciting opportunities coming up this fall. More information for each of these groups can be found on the Neuqua Music website.
Choir – Acapella Club is coming to choir soon! Acapella Club is a choir club where a group of singers come together and sing their favorite songs in acapella, meaning lacking the use of instruments. Singers can choose any songs they want from pop to country to theater. The club is open to all Neuqua students, even those who are not a part of choir.
Band – Concerts for Neuqua’s bands will be coming up soon in October. The Marching Wildcats and freshman band concert will be on Oct. 19, 2021 at 6:15p.m. and 8p.m. respectively. The upperclassmen and advanced band groups have their concert on Oct. 21, 2021 also at 6:15p.m. and 8p.m. The Marching Wildcats also perform at every home football game.
Orchestra – Neuqua’s orchestra concert will be on Oct, 26, 2021 at 6:15p.m. and 8p.m.
Wildcat Fiddlers is also a club anyone can join throughout the year!
Tri M – Tri M, also known as the music honors society, is a society where anyone in 10th-12th grade can make music and volunteer. Applications are being accepted through Sept. 8, 2021.
Many other clubs and activities also run at Neuqua that students can be a part of and join anytime, even if they missed the start of the club. Some examples are listed below.
For students interested in exploring future careers, Aspiring Medical Professional of America (AMP), Educators Rising (FEA), Business Professionals of America (BPA) and TV/Film club are open throughout the year.
Academics focused clubs enrolling throughout the year include Girls Who Code, Girls in STEM, finance club, drone club, interactive gaming club, Literary Magazine, spoken word club and student council.
Clubs that focus on the community that continue to accept members include environmental club, Interact, Star Raiders, UNICEF, Black Student Alliance, Muslim Student Association, Women’s Empowerment and You Matter.
Another event that all Neuqua students can get involved in is PTA Reflections. Students can submit a piece, which can be anything from dance choreography, a picture, a story, an artwork, a music composition or even a film following the theme “I will change the world by” Students interested can register here.

Last but not least, HOMECOMING IS HERE! Many people are extremely excited for it and looking forward to the fact that it will be outside this year. Homecoming will be Sept. 25, and Homecoming Week – Hollywood Nights, will be the week of Sept. 20-24, ending with the homecoming football game on September 24 at Neuqua alongside the pep rally during school hours.
Every day of homecoming week will feature a different activity after school. The Neuqua Knows It Can Dance event will be on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 7p.m., and the Neuqua Olympics will be on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 6pm. Look on the student splash page for more information to register! The registration deadline is next Wednesday, Sept. 15.
Of course many other exciting activities will be coming up later this fall as well, so stay tuned! You can always visit the Neuqua Activities site for more information regarding any club or visit the student splash page for information about each event. We can’t wait to see you get involved!
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