A New Tutoring Option: KTK+

April 28, 2020
Though physical schooling has ended for the year, learning hasn’t stopped. District 204 has transitioned to remote learning. With the transition to online learning, many students are in need for help and a new option for students is KidsTeachKids+(KTK+). KTK+. It is a non profit tutoring organization founded by four Neuqua Valley students: David He, James Rosenberger, Sofia Rosenberger, Karthik Bagavathy, and Khalid Hamdan.
Hamdan, the Head of Public Relations for KTK+ and a sophomore at Neuqua, spoke about their new organization. Speaking on the benefits of their tutoring, Hamdan said that “to get tutored is completely free!”. KTK+ also offers flexibility with all their tutoring currently moved “to online” and appointments available whenever the student and the tutor’s schedules could sync up”.
Another aspect of KTK+ is that all tutors are students themselves. Students apply and fill out a google form. That form asks for “basic information like name, phone number, what subjects they would be interested in tutoring and their grades in that class” as well as parent contact information and a brief personal statement. To ensure the quality of tutors and the students getting tutored experience, tutor applicants must have, according to their website, “above a 90% in the classes they wish to teach.”
One of the problems their team has faced since starting KTK+ is that, according to Hamdan, “students are usually afraid to open up and say that they need help in school.” As a result, KTK+ currently has a surplus of tutors. For students who wouldn’t normally utilize tutoring services like KTK+ may want to consider starting as a way of offsetting the lack of presence of teachers, ARCs, etc. High school continues for many next year and often classes build upon knowledge learnt in the previous year, so extra help in this time of great disruption of academics may be a good option for many students, if you wish to learn more, you can visit KTK+’s website.