With Music Production I & II, you can be the next Billie Eilish!
January 16, 2020
Music Production 1 & 2 are new classes coming to Neuqua for the 2020-2021 school year. These classes will be led by Mr. Seidel, a member of the music department here at Neuqua.
The course will feature a curriculum based around creating music using Soundtrap, a browser-based audio program that will work on Chromebooks. Soundtrap is ideal because students will be able to easily work both in class and at home. Along with Sountrap, each student will be given a midi controller for the duration of the class. A midi controller is a soundboard with a keyboard and mixing capabilities.
The course has two main components. The first is learning how to use DAWs (digital audio workshops, what Soundtrap is). The second component is songwriting. Students will learn about harmonies and melodies, lyric writing, song flow, and other components of songs. The unique element about this class is that students can compose and produce whatever genre they want. Mr. Seidel would like to emphasize that, “you’re not going to be restricted by what you’re creating, hip-hop to EDM to any genre you’re interested in, all the songs have the same elements of music”. This is part of what makes this class such a great fit for Neuqua. It allows and encourages creativity and freedom.
Even if some students already produce their own music, with programs like FL studio (another music production program), this class would still be a great fit for them. Students who already work with these programs can further develop their skills by taking this class and receiving help with their program of choice from Mr. Seidel.
The class will be project based, and has a blended structure. The class will meet some days to learn about programs and tricks to master them, while other days, the students will just have work time. On days where the class doesn’t explicitly meet, Mr. Seidel will be available for individual assistance.
Perhaps the most important detail is the requirements for this class, or the lack thereof. Any student taking this class does not have to be in a music class, or have ever taken one. This class is a great way to experience the Neuqua music program without taking band, orchestra, or chorus. Mr. Seidel encourages current non-music students to give the class a try and learn about producing their own music. For current non-music students, “this class was designed with you in mind.”
This class is a great way to learn about producing your own music or honing your skills under the advisement of a qualified teacher. Music students and non-music students alike should seriously consider taking this class.