Why you should tune into Game of Thrones before the series ends

The promotional photo for the eighth season features the iconic Iron Throne. This fancy chair is what many people have died for throughout the series, and what many people will probably continue to die for in their journey for power.
April 27, 2019
As the television show “Game of Thrones” enters its eighth and final season, fans around the world scramble to remember the details they may have forgotten from past seasons as they watched many intense years of fighting for the iconic Iron Throne. Based on the book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin, the series has reeled fans in from the beginning. Additionally, the show has brought families together with, ironically, warring families. Through love, heartbreak, alliances, betrayal, peace and violence, the world-wide phenomenon continues to find success with its unique characters. Some of the main families who fight for control over the most powerful seat in Westeros, the Iron Throne, include the Starks, Baratheons, Lannisters, Targaryens and Greyjoys. It has been two years since the audience has last seen them in action and many fans have been showing their restlessness through social media. HBO also organized a world-wide “Iron Throne hunt” where they constructed six replicas of the throne and placed them randomly around the world. Let’s just say, people went nuts trying to find them.
The first of many reasons the show should be on the top of your watch-list is the complex characters. One of these characters is Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. Born into a family of royalty and wealth, Daenerys’ life was changed when her father was assassinated. Her brother took control over everything she did and cruelly sold her away to a people known for their barbarism and militarial strength, the Dothraki. Over the seasons, audiences witness her development into a dynamic and impressive leader of her followers. Now entering the eighth season, she has the largest army in the world and multitudes of people who would die for her — on and off the show. It is so important for women to be continually portrayed in these authoritative roles without a negative tone underlying them. Daenerys is television-proof that the roles of strong women leaders can truly be fulfilled.
Along with complex characters, the show also recognizes the importance of fan involvement and opinions. Before the show was even filmed, HBO recruited fans to critique them on what they had put together. George R.R. Martin has also been heavily involved every step of the way to help the process come along. If your concern is how closely the show follows the series, then you have little to be worried about. The writers have made the seven long seasons well-worth your time which hopefully you choose to check out.
These reasons and more are why you need to tune into this phenomenon. The show’s writers and Martin are continually trying to improve the series for their viewers, so don’t miss out on the chance to watch this history take place. “Game of Thrones” shows every Sunday on HBO at 8 p.m. until its final episode date, May 19, 2019. The characters have always warned winter was coming, but now winter is here.